June 9, 2010

Prince Goes to the Vet

So I had to take our cat Prince to the vet today because of some swelling on his lower lip. And I don't mean a small fat lip from fighting with our other cat, Toulouse, I mean, "hey cat, why are you carrying around that water balloon? whoa! that's your lip?!" After talking to the vet tech on the phone (twice) about it, and her scaring me into believing it might be a tumor, I made the darn appt and took him in. And he was none too pleased, obvs. But neither was I. The vet is expensive! But anyway. He's our fur baby, and I had to do it.

After examination of his teeth & gums and the vet constantly telling me to keep petting him (cause that's going to stop him from hissing at you? Puh-leeeze) he's diagnosed with periodontic (or gum) disease. GAAAAHHHH! My cat has gum disease?! And possibly another infection which is causing the swelling? What kind of kitty mother am I? A bad one, obviously. So now he must eat special food mixed in with his other food, which apparently acts as a toothbrush and toothpaste ("but it's SUPER tasty and your cats will gobble it up!!" says the perky vet tech). And give him antibiotic pills and rub this blue goo on his teeth everyday AND clean his chin and gum line with peroxide and then rub cream all over it. Yay. And then he got some shots which he needed anyway. But he took those like a champ! Good cat!

So a sizeable bill, new food, and antibiotical shit up the hoo-ha, and we're home. And now Prince is napping after such a horrible day. Paws crossed and all. So cute! Oh, and he's totally avoiding me and laying by Husband. Eh. I'll live. He'll jump into my lap later...just waiting for later.

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