January 22, 2011

Today I bought 2 different kinds of peanut butter.

Smooth and Crunchy. Cause the hubs likes the crunchy- I however, can do without extra chunkage in my peanut butter.

Holy crap! They all exclaim! She's back! After being gone for what's it been? TWO MONTHS?! Whoa. Guess I'm not making out so well on that New Years Resolution to blog more. I'm working on it. I had a couple of posts saved to drafts, but just couldn't figure out how to finish them, so they didn't get posted, and they were seasonal, so posting them now would be silly and BAH.

Husband and I had a good Christmas up north with my family. A lot of my family didn't come over the river and through the woods to Grandmother and Grandfathers house, so it was really quiet, but we all realize that change is inevitable and all the cousins are growing up, so seeing each other gets harder every year. Until more of us start having babies, we probably won't see each other too often. And guess what I got? A countertop mixer! Among other things (my mother is far too nice). And I stare in awe of it more than I seem to use it, but I'm using it more often lately. It.Is.Gorgeous. And red and shiny.

What else has been happening..oh let's see. I had a job interview the Thursday before Christmas and was offered the job the Monday after. And I accepted. Whole heartedly. And let me tell you, people at my old job were none too happy that I was quitting. Which doesn't make sense considering the amount of turnover that I witnessed there over 4 years. And if quitting a job I'd had for that long wasn't a hard decision in itself (but clearly it was a no-brainer) because of the pay, benefits, and the amount of vacations I got, a particular interaction at the company holiday party justified my decision in about 2 seconds. If you know me, you've probably already heard the story, and if you haven't, you should. It would shock you. MOVING ON. And I have, I'll let you know. I think I left there on my last day skipping down the sidewalk to my car. Or maybe I was running. Eh. Not sure.

My cousin and bestie is getting married! They have finally (hehe) set the date, after A LOT of back and forth, and this weekend and that weekend. September 3rd it is! I have hired myself as their "unofficial" wedding planner, and hopefully my cousin will tell me to back off if I'm bothering her. I hope. She's really far too nice to be mean. But I'm just so excited for her! And we've already looked at pictures online of dresses and bm dresses and flowers and hairstyles and my favorites bar is full of pictures of dresses (for her, not me, weird right?!). And I can't wait to start actually looking and planning the shower and bachelorette party and I'm just so darn excited!

So things have been kind of hectic around these here parts lately, so forgive me for my absence. I really do plan to blog more, share more recipes and might even start a section on cost effective recipes, where I break down how much each serving costs. If I'm ambitious enough. We'll see.

I think I'll be back later today or tomorrow with a Currently In post. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle I'm so happy to hear you finally got out! However, a small part of me wishes for one more day at Jamba so that I could hear about this holiday party incident. And Witness the Whirl, of course. In any case, congrats on your new job!

