...is awake. I think he heard me typing about him. Just thought you'd like to know.
November 18, 2010
There is no good title for whatever ramblings this post entails.
I haven't blogged in awhile. Sorry. I've just been so busy with work (that's a lie) and you know, sleeping just about the entire weekend (that's not a lie!). OR, I'm just lazy and don't have much to say. Boo that.
Side note. There is a cat's foot on my shoulder right now.
Have you seen Taylor Swift's video "Mine"? Would you buy her as a mother? Yeah, me either.
I've had Cee-lo's "Forget You" in my head since I heard it on Glee on Tuesday. Then I heard it on the radio today and got all giddy. It's a good tune...ooo oo ooo forget you!
Remember that cat foot I mentioned before? It's twitching now. I think he's chasing squirrels.
The end.
Side note. There is a cat's foot on my shoulder right now.
Have you seen Taylor Swift's video "Mine"? Would you buy her as a mother? Yeah, me either.
I've had Cee-lo's "Forget You" in my head since I heard it on Glee on Tuesday. Then I heard it on the radio today and got all giddy. It's a good tune...ooo oo ooo forget you!
Remember that cat foot I mentioned before? It's twitching now. I think he's chasing squirrels.
The end.
November 3, 2010
Updates and a Recipe
Hello internet friends! A few things have happened since I've posted last. A few weeks ago President Obama was on campus and I was one of 3 elected managers to help work at the event. Yay. There was so much work involved just for us to sell some snacks, but I got to meet some people that work with the President in the White House, some secret service agents, and I got to see him live, even though he wasn't much bigger than my pinkie finger for as far away as we were from him. But it was the first time a sitting president was on our campus in 100 years, so it was kind of cool to be a part of history.
Husband started working at a former job of his again. They called him, I'll have you know. Apparently they let the 18 year old shift manager go (reason Husband quit in the first place) and because they were idiots to let him leave in the first place, they offered him a job again. Yay! More money in our pockets!
I was 3 feet away from Paul Molitor last Saturday. Shame on you if you don't know who that is. Google it if you don't. Psh.
Work is incredibly frustrating lately. I was thisclose to shoving a Bic in someone's ear today.
My friend Julie asked me for a bread recipe that I make in my bread machine - this was after she mocked me for not already owning a countertop mixer. Poor people can't afford expensive appliances! And the bread maker was a Christmas gift about 3 years ago....anyway. Here's the recipe cause I think she's just dying to get her hands on it! I use the bread machine to knead and rise the dough and then I finish it off in the oven.
Rosemary Bread
1 cup water
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tsp white sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp italian seasoning
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp dried rosemary
2 1/2 cups bread flour
1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
Place ingredients in pan of bread maker in the order shown. The yeast can not touch the liquid before it starts to mix! Follow the directions that come with your bread maker. Select the white bread cycle. Start.
Mine beeps 3 times when it's time to remove the paddle, and this is when I remove the dough from the bread machine pan. Then I place it into a bread pan and put it into a preheated 375 degree oven for 30-35 minutes.
It makes a cute little loaf of bread and is mighty tasty. Just ask my sister.
Husband started working at a former job of his again. They called him, I'll have you know. Apparently they let the 18 year old shift manager go (reason Husband quit in the first place) and because they were idiots to let him leave in the first place, they offered him a job again. Yay! More money in our pockets!
I was 3 feet away from Paul Molitor last Saturday. Shame on you if you don't know who that is. Google it if you don't. Psh.
Work is incredibly frustrating lately. I was thisclose to shoving a Bic in someone's ear today.
My friend Julie asked me for a bread recipe that I make in my bread machine - this was after she mocked me for not already owning a countertop mixer. Poor people can't afford expensive appliances! And the bread maker was a Christmas gift about 3 years ago....anyway. Here's the recipe cause I think she's just dying to get her hands on it! I use the bread machine to knead and rise the dough and then I finish it off in the oven.
Rosemary Bread
1 cup water
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tsp white sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp italian seasoning
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp dried rosemary
2 1/2 cups bread flour
1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
Place ingredients in pan of bread maker in the order shown. The yeast can not touch the liquid before it starts to mix! Follow the directions that come with your bread maker. Select the white bread cycle. Start.
Mine beeps 3 times when it's time to remove the paddle, and this is when I remove the dough from the bread machine pan. Then I place it into a bread pan and put it into a preheated 375 degree oven for 30-35 minutes.
It makes a cute little loaf of bread and is mighty tasty. Just ask my sister.
October 18, 2010
Currently In
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack! Not that I was gone for all that long, though. But you missed me, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!
Let's do a currently in!
Currently in October:
Current books: I'm "reading" (more like staring at the cover of) "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society." HUH WAAAH?! Yeah. That's the title, and so far, the title is the most interesting thing about this book. It's an entire book on letters back and forth from this lady to several other people. Oh, it's just maaarvelous. If I ever get to the end, I'll let you know how I really feel about it.
Current playlist: Eh, whatever is on the radio. I dug out a bunch of my old mix cd's for my drive north last weekend, and I can't believe some of the crap I listened to in college. Or rather, some of the crap I put on a cd just so I could have a full one.
Current guilty pleasure: Uhhh. Uhhh. Nothing? I wanted to buy one of those mini Haagen Daaz ice creams yesterday, but I didn't. Can that count? Other than that, I've got nothing.
Current color: Pink. Why not.
Current drink: Well, currentLY, I'm drinking milk (does a body good, you know). But I can't get through my day without my 24oz Dunn Bros Cold press iced coffee with vanilla and cream. Mmmm calories, yum sweet calories!
Current food: Eating a dee-licious chocolate chip cookie bar right now. But I've finally gotten the hang of my bread maker- after only 3 years of owning it. AndthistimeImayhavefinallyreadthedirections. ANYWAY... So now I'm making bread! Yay!
Current favorite shows: Well, Glee! Duh. And Paranormal State is back on again! I hate anything haunted or scary, such as houses or movies, but I LOVE this show. Probably because I know it's all in the tv, and most of it isn't really paranormal anyway. So what if your house is built on an Indian burial ground and it was part of the Underground Railroad. What makes you think it's haunted?
Current Wishlist: Same as last month. Really want that countertop mixer. And a Gussy tote bag.
Current Needs: Sleep. And money.
Current Triumphs: Uhm, did I not mention the bread machine miracle of 2010?
Current Bane of My Existence: Ha. Where do I start? Let's just not go there.
Current Celebrity Crush: Bleh. They're all dogs.
Current Indulgence: Nothing. Never did get around to buying those Lindor Truffles.
Current Blessing: Husband and family. I could just squeeeeeeeze 'em!
Current Outfit: Sweats. What? It's Monday.
Current Excitement: Husband is very close to a promotion at work. Cross fingers and toes he gets it!
Current Mood: Sleepy.
Current Link: My friend Julie has a blog now! Did I rub off on you, Jules? You can read up on her adventures in cooking (and get some tasty recipes) at http://www.julieseatsandtreats.blogspot.com/. It looks like it says Julie Seats and Treats. Teeheeheeheehee.
That's the list folks. And now I've gotta go cause my 30lb lasagna is almost done. Seeya!
Let's do a currently in!
Currently in October:
Current books: I'm "reading" (more like staring at the cover of) "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society." HUH WAAAH?! Yeah. That's the title, and so far, the title is the most interesting thing about this book. It's an entire book on letters back and forth from this lady to several other people. Oh, it's just maaarvelous. If I ever get to the end, I'll let you know how I really feel about it.
Current playlist: Eh, whatever is on the radio. I dug out a bunch of my old mix cd's for my drive north last weekend, and I can't believe some of the crap I listened to in college. Or rather, some of the crap I put on a cd just so I could have a full one.
Current guilty pleasure: Uhhh. Uhhh. Nothing? I wanted to buy one of those mini Haagen Daaz ice creams yesterday, but I didn't. Can that count? Other than that, I've got nothing.
Current color: Pink. Why not.
Current drink: Well, currentLY, I'm drinking milk (does a body good, you know). But I can't get through my day without my 24oz Dunn Bros Cold press iced coffee with vanilla and cream. Mmmm calories, yum sweet calories!
Current food: Eating a dee-licious chocolate chip cookie bar right now. But I've finally gotten the hang of my bread maker- after only 3 years of owning it. AndthistimeImayhavefinallyreadthedirections. ANYWAY... So now I'm making bread! Yay!
Current favorite shows: Well, Glee! Duh. And Paranormal State is back on again! I hate anything haunted or scary, such as houses or movies, but I LOVE this show. Probably because I know it's all in the tv, and most of it isn't really paranormal anyway. So what if your house is built on an Indian burial ground and it was part of the Underground Railroad. What makes you think it's haunted?
Current Wishlist: Same as last month. Really want that countertop mixer. And a Gussy tote bag.
Current Needs: Sleep. And money.
Current Triumphs: Uhm, did I not mention the bread machine miracle of 2010?
Current Bane of My Existence: Ha. Where do I start? Let's just not go there.
Current Celebrity Crush: Bleh. They're all dogs.
Current Indulgence: Nothing. Never did get around to buying those Lindor Truffles.
Current Blessing: Husband and family. I could just squeeeeeeeze 'em!
Current Outfit: Sweats. What? It's Monday.
Current Excitement: Husband is very close to a promotion at work. Cross fingers and toes he gets it!
Current Mood: Sleepy.
Current Link: My friend Julie has a blog now! Did I rub off on you, Jules? You can read up on her adventures in cooking (and get some tasty recipes) at http://www.julieseatsandtreats.blogspot.com/. It looks like it says Julie Seats and Treats. Teeheeheeheehee.
That's the list folks. And now I've gotta go cause my 30lb lasagna is almost done. Seeya!
September 22, 2010
A Blog in Pictures
I know I have only briefly mentioned that we have two cats. Hey you! We have two cats! And I swear they have more personality than any other cats I have ever encountered. I always wonder what they would say to me if they could talk. Probably something like, "Cheerio! What doth is foreth dinner, Mother?" Or something. Apparently my cats speak Old English. And maybe french. Bonjour!
ANYWAY. Today I thought I'd share some photos of them with you, dear readers.
Our kitties, Prince (gold) and Toulouse (grey, and the reason I think he speaks in a french accent). They're best buds!
Prince. "What up, Mom?"
Toulouse. This is how they both sleep. Close your legs!
September 19, 2010
It's as Easy as Chicken Pot Pie...
...Which is what I made for dinner tonight. From scratch. Oh yeah. Booyah! I have a super easy recipe (thank you, Martha) and Husband loves. Which is a score, cause he can be a picky eater. I also made Peanut Butter Fudge cake - see post below for recipe- and it was fan-freaking-tastic.
Dinner was a nice cap to a nice Sunday. I slept in until 11, when my Mom called and woke me up, which was fine because I quite enjoy phone calls from my Mom. Then I did some laundry, got gas and picked up some groceries for which to make our tasty dinner. And for the first time ever, I ordered meat from the meat man at the meat counter. I felt like such an adult! Which means tomorrow, we're having pork chops. Which is weird to say because when Husband and I met, he was a vegetarian. And when we got married, he was a vegetarian. Then pretty much out of nowhere, Husband became a carnivore again. AND IT'S FANTASTIC! You have no idea how much easier making dinner is now. I used to have to make two dinners, and now I only have to make one. Magical!
Now we're just chilling out after chicken pot pies and p.b. fudge cake. Listening to the cats snore and chase squirrels (and maybe the neighbors dog) in their sleep. And not looking forward to tomorrow and another looooooooooong work week. Oh well. Such is life.
What did you do today?
Dinner was a nice cap to a nice Sunday. I slept in until 11, when my Mom called and woke me up, which was fine because I quite enjoy phone calls from my Mom. Then I did some laundry, got gas and picked up some groceries for which to make our tasty dinner. And for the first time ever, I ordered meat from the meat man at the meat counter. I felt like such an adult! Which means tomorrow, we're having pork chops. Which is weird to say because when Husband and I met, he was a vegetarian. And when we got married, he was a vegetarian. Then pretty much out of nowhere, Husband became a carnivore again. AND IT'S FANTASTIC! You have no idea how much easier making dinner is now. I used to have to make two dinners, and now I only have to make one. Magical!
Now we're just chilling out after chicken pot pies and p.b. fudge cake. Listening to the cats snore and chase squirrels (and maybe the neighbors dog) in their sleep. And not looking forward to tomorrow and another looooooooooong work week. Oh well. Such is life.
What did you do today?
September 13, 2010
Currently In...
Well hello again! Sure didn't think I'd be back this soon, but I'm making an effort to blog more, since that's the reason I made the blog anyway; to share my life with those who might give a shizzle. Looks like I'm making great strides, now doesn't it?! My goal is to blog at least once a week.
So.... I stole this "currently in" list from a few other blogs and thought I'd give it a try. It's a monthly list of all things current in my life.
Current books: I'm currently reading "The Memory Keepers Daughter." It's slow going because I'm finding it hard to make time for leisurely reading. But it's good so far. I tried to read "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown, but just couldn't get into it. And I renewed it 3 times! Maybe I'll pick it up again over Christmas break when I'm forced to take vacation.
Current Playlist: I'm hooked on a few different songs at the moment; Love Like Crazy by Lee Brice, Rhythm of Love by the Plain White T's, Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland, and (gasp) Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. That last one might fall under my current guilty pleasure as well.
Current Guilty Pleasure: See above, and I'm hooked on Keeping up with the Kardashians. I'm actually surprised by how real those girls seem.
Current Color: I guess I'd have to say purple. I bought a new shirt recently and it's purple and has ruffles! I love wearing it!
Current Drink: Peace Tea. Lemon or Razzleberry. Yum.
Current Food: I don't know. Whatever's available. Nothing really sticks out. I do have an unnatural love for Swedish Fish, though.
Current Favorite Shows: GLEE! I can't wait for the new season to start!
Current Wish List: Oh, so many things. I've actually got a really good Christmas list going already. I'm ready for you, Mom. KitchenAid countertop mixer, Gussy Tote, and a whole slew of fancy items I found on Etsy.
Current Needs: More time in the day.
Current Triumphs: I made it through yet another fall opening at the U. And quite successfully, I might add.
Current Bane of My Existence: Football Saturdays. I'd much rather be sleeping.
Current Celebrity Crush: I don't really have one. I'm crushing on my Husband though! ;)
Current Indulgence: Nothing. It's unfortunate. Need to get me some Lindor Truffles.
Current Blessing: My wonderful Husband. He's been so unbelievably supportive during the last few weeks with work being as stressful as it was/still is.
Current Outfit: Tank top and gauchos. Feels like jammies.
Current Excitement: Looking forward to these next 3 Saturdays to be over with. We've got 4 home games in a row, 1 down, 3 to go. I promised Husband we'd go to the Renaissance Festival and eat ginormous turkey legs. And I want to get "home" to see my parents one of those off weekends. How I do miss them.
Current Mood: Tired.
Current Link: Found a new blog. Check out http://www.bluejeanamy.blogspot.com/
Those are my currents. Check back in October for my next Current list!
So.... I stole this "currently in" list from a few other blogs and thought I'd give it a try. It's a monthly list of all things current in my life.
Current books: I'm currently reading "The Memory Keepers Daughter." It's slow going because I'm finding it hard to make time for leisurely reading. But it's good so far. I tried to read "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown, but just couldn't get into it. And I renewed it 3 times! Maybe I'll pick it up again over Christmas break when I'm forced to take vacation.
Current Playlist: I'm hooked on a few different songs at the moment; Love Like Crazy by Lee Brice, Rhythm of Love by the Plain White T's, Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland, and (gasp) Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. That last one might fall under my current guilty pleasure as well.
Current Guilty Pleasure: See above, and I'm hooked on Keeping up with the Kardashians. I'm actually surprised by how real those girls seem.
Current Color: I guess I'd have to say purple. I bought a new shirt recently and it's purple and has ruffles! I love wearing it!
Current Drink: Peace Tea. Lemon or Razzleberry. Yum.
Current Food: I don't know. Whatever's available. Nothing really sticks out. I do have an unnatural love for Swedish Fish, though.
Current Favorite Shows: GLEE! I can't wait for the new season to start!
Current Wish List: Oh, so many things. I've actually got a really good Christmas list going already. I'm ready for you, Mom. KitchenAid countertop mixer, Gussy Tote, and a whole slew of fancy items I found on Etsy.
Current Needs: More time in the day.
Current Triumphs: I made it through yet another fall opening at the U. And quite successfully, I might add.
Current Bane of My Existence: Football Saturdays. I'd much rather be sleeping.
Current Celebrity Crush: I don't really have one. I'm crushing on my Husband though! ;)
Current Indulgence: Nothing. It's unfortunate. Need to get me some Lindor Truffles.
Current Blessing: My wonderful Husband. He's been so unbelievably supportive during the last few weeks with work being as stressful as it was/still is.
Current Outfit: Tank top and gauchos. Feels like jammies.
Current Excitement: Looking forward to these next 3 Saturdays to be over with. We've got 4 home games in a row, 1 down, 3 to go. I promised Husband we'd go to the Renaissance Festival and eat ginormous turkey legs. And I want to get "home" to see my parents one of those off weekends. How I do miss them.
Current Mood: Tired.
Current Link: Found a new blog. Check out http://www.bluejeanamy.blogspot.com/
Those are my currents. Check back in October for my next Current list!
September 12, 2010
Oh Blog, How I've Missed Thee
Hello Blogosphere! Last time I posted was in July! Geez, where did August go? Oh, yeah. That's right. I spent it at work getting ready to open 3 locations that were closed over the summer. And now school has started, all my locations are open and we're rolling. I've inherited a new location this school year, a Dunn Bros coffee shop, and slight side note (they have the BEST cold press iced coffee). Fist pump for Dunn Bros. If you have the means, I highly recommend you pick one up. They are so choice. :) Football has also started now, and at work, we have a "all hands on deck" mentality, so any manager that isn't already in a location on football Saturdays gets the pleasure (ha, ha ha) of working at the stadium. This year I'm on the suites level, so at least I won't freeze my sweet tukus off when it's cold outside. So for the next 3 weeks I'll be running on fumes between my normal work week and football Saturdays. Then we get a break, another few games, a longer break and then the last game the Saturday after Thanksgiving. So much for spending a long 4 day weekend with my family. Most of whom I haven't seen since July. Curse you, work! ::Shakes fist::.
So looks like I'll finally get to stop and breathe at about Christmas time, when I'm working on closing down locations for winter break. What the hell?! Oh well.
Well internet, that's the rundown on my life at the moment. I'll try to get back here again before next September. We'll see how things go.
So looks like I'll finally get to stop and breathe at about Christmas time, when I'm working on closing down locations for winter break. What the hell?! Oh well.
Well internet, that's the rundown on my life at the moment. I'll try to get back here again before next September. We'll see how things go.
July 31, 2010
A Trip to the Farmer's Market
So I got this bright idea to visit the Minneapolis Farmer's Market this morning. Got the idea yesterday, actually. It's not like I was lying awake at 5 am staring at the ceiling, wondering what I could do to fill my time at this ungodly early hour on a Saturday. I wanted to be there right away at 6 when they opened to avoid any parking fiascos and the rude people who stop in the middle of the aisle and block all the good fruit.
And I made out like a bandit! I got 5, YES 5 containers of strawberries for $5, a pint of blueberries for $2, 9 tomatoes, 2 mangos and a pint of cherries for $5. Total spent on fresh fruit and veggies (but aren't tomatoes technically fruit? hmm) $12!! What a steal! Oh and I love how the containers the blueberries came in are so local...all the way from right down the street in Vancouver, B.C. Makes me wonder how much that guy bought the fruit for if he can sell it for so cheap. ANYWAY, here are some photos of my loot!
I made blueberry pancakes this morning for Husband, and they were super tasty! I already ate half of the cherries, and plan on making smoothies out of those mangos. And you're probably wondering why in the world I bought 5 containers of strawberries. Other than the fact that they were dirt cheap. I plan on eating half of them and using the rest to try out a Pampered Chef recipe that I'm demonstrating at a show later in August. They're going to be deeeeeelicious!
I'm going to make the practice strawberry amaretto pastries for our "National Night Out" that our association is having in our cul-de-sac next Tuesday. I'm going to try them out on our unsuspecting neighbors! I'll take pictures!
July 26, 2010
Chicken Enchiladas
What you'll need:
- 3-4 chicken breasts (depending on size and how much you want in each enchilada). Thawed, and fully cooked.
- One 4 ounce can diced green chili's
- One 15 ounce can enchilada sauce
- Cheese. Tonight I'm using 4 cheese blend and colby jack blend, but it's good with plain 'ol Monteray Jack cheese or pepperjack. You can use the already shredded stuff or grate it yourself. Guess that depends on how domestic you really want to be that day (I've done it either way).
- 1 package of 6 inch FLOUR tortillas. Corn tortillas might work, but flour ones fold easier and taste better (but that's my opinion). 10 to a package, you'll use all 10.
So while you're chicken is cooking, you can put your cheese and diced chili's in a bowl. This is for the filling. How much cheese you want to use is totally up to you. Mix together.
You'll use a 13x9 inch pan for this, glass or metal, doesn't really matter. Put a layer of enchilada sauce on the bottom of the pan. Not too much, you'll use the rest for the top.
Once your chicken is done, let it cool for about 5 minutes, chop it up (here's where you can use your Pampered Chef food chopper! What, you don't have one? I know where you can get one. Wink, wink...) Ok, back to the food. So after your chicken is chopped, add it to the bowl with the cheese and chili's. Mix.
Throw the tortillas in the microwave for about 30 seconds, just to warm them up. Makes them easier to roll. Fill each tortilla with a large spoon full of chicken mixture, or however full you want them. Roll, then place in your dish. Don't worry about tucking in the sides. I do mine horizontally, 2 columns, 5 rows. That's 10. Yay, math!
Now, once you've filled and rolled all your tortillas, cover with the rest of the sauce, then top with cheese (again, how much is up to you. Go crazy if you wanna).
Put into preheated 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. All you're doing now is melting the cheese inside and on top, so it doesn't need to bake for all that long (remember, your chicken is already cooked). When it's done and the cheese is all melty goodness, remove from oven, and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Now is when you can marvel at the beauty you just created.
Dish it up and top with sour cream, tomatoes, cheese, whatever. I usually serve my enchiladas with Mexican Rice as a side, but I didn't have any today, oh well. Tonight I had leftover filling. I save that and use it in a quesadilla for lunch another day (or rather, Husband does).
July 7, 2010
Hey all! Found a new blog and website through one I already follow! Check out http://www.maggiewhitley.com/ or grab the Gussy button towards the bottom of the page! Her items have ruffles! And I love it!
June 12, 2010
Peanut Butter Cake with Fudge Frosting
Oh...My...Gah. This cake is so freakin' good! Made it tonight when Husband complained because I ate the last of the Red Velvet cookies (which after 1 day got kind of sticky, quickly remedied by putting them in the fridge, so much better cold!).
ANYWAY. This cake is awesome! Really moist and the frosting isn't super thick. And it was really easy to make! (If you could hear me now, I just sang that last sentence). So without further a-do, here's the recipe. Enjoy!
Peanut Butter Cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour 9x13" cake pan
Put butter, peanut butter and water in medium sauce pan. Turn burner onto medium heat and bring mixture almost to a boil (stirring pretty much constantly or the mixture will burn). When it sends up whiffs of steam and starts to bubble on the edges, take it off the heat.
Pour peanut butter mixture over flour/sugar mixture and mix it all together. (It's going to look funny, but it'll become creamy when you add the cream and eggs).
Whisk the cream, vanilla, baking soda and eggs together and pour slowly (no one wants scrambled eggs) over the peanut butter mixture. Mix well.
Pour batter into cake pan
Bake for 30-35 min (mine took 30). When cake begins to shrink away from sides and toothpick or knife inserted into center comes out clean, the cake is done.
Let it cool before you frost it (mine was still a little warm, and it was really good that way).
Never Fail Fudge Frosting
Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips and stir until melted. Remove saucepan from heat.
Stir in the vanilla
Pour frosting over the cake and spread quickly with a spatula.
Top with nuts (if you so desire).
ANYWAY. This cake is awesome! Really moist and the frosting isn't super thick. And it was really easy to make! (If you could hear me now, I just sang that last sentence). So without further a-do, here's the recipe. Enjoy!
Peanut Butter Cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour 9x13" cake pan
- 2 cups white sugar
- 2 cups white flour
- 1 cup butter (2 sticks)
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup cream
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 2 eggs, beaten
Put butter, peanut butter and water in medium sauce pan. Turn burner onto medium heat and bring mixture almost to a boil (stirring pretty much constantly or the mixture will burn). When it sends up whiffs of steam and starts to bubble on the edges, take it off the heat.
Pour peanut butter mixture over flour/sugar mixture and mix it all together. (It's going to look funny, but it'll become creamy when you add the cream and eggs).
Whisk the cream, vanilla, baking soda and eggs together and pour slowly (no one wants scrambled eggs) over the peanut butter mixture. Mix well.
Pour batter into cake pan
Bake for 30-35 min (mine took 30). When cake begins to shrink away from sides and toothpick or knife inserted into center comes out clean, the cake is done.
Let it cool before you frost it (mine was still a little warm, and it was really good that way).
Never Fail Fudge Frosting
- 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1/3 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 cup chopped peanuts (optional)
Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips and stir until melted. Remove saucepan from heat.
Stir in the vanilla
Pour frosting over the cake and spread quickly with a spatula.
Top with nuts (if you so desire).
June 9, 2010
Prince Goes to the Vet
So I had to take our cat Prince to the vet today because of some swelling on his lower lip. And I don't mean a small fat lip from fighting with our other cat, Toulouse, I mean, "hey cat, why are you carrying around that water balloon? whoa! that's your lip?!" After talking to the vet tech on the phone (twice) about it, and her scaring me into believing it might be a tumor, I made the darn appt and took him in. And he was none too pleased, obvs. But neither was I. The vet is expensive! But anyway. He's our fur baby, and I had to do it.
After examination of his teeth & gums and the vet constantly telling me to keep petting him (cause that's going to stop him from hissing at you? Puh-leeeze) he's diagnosed with periodontic (or gum) disease. GAAAAHHHH! My cat has gum disease?! And possibly another infection which is causing the swelling? What kind of kitty mother am I? A bad one, obviously. So now he must eat special food mixed in with his other food, which apparently acts as a toothbrush and toothpaste ("but it's SUPER tasty and your cats will gobble it up!!" says the perky vet tech). And give him antibiotic pills and rub this blue goo on his teeth everyday AND clean his chin and gum line with peroxide and then rub cream all over it. Yay. And then he got some shots which he needed anyway. But he took those like a champ! Good cat!
So a sizeable bill, new food, and antibiotical shit up the hoo-ha, and we're home. And now Prince is napping after such a horrible day. Paws crossed and all. So cute! Oh, and he's totally avoiding me and laying by Husband. Eh. I'll live. He'll jump into my lap later...just waiting for later.
After examination of his teeth & gums and the vet constantly telling me to keep petting him (cause that's going to stop him from hissing at you? Puh-leeeze) he's diagnosed with periodontic (or gum) disease. GAAAAHHHH! My cat has gum disease?! And possibly another infection which is causing the swelling? What kind of kitty mother am I? A bad one, obviously. So now he must eat special food mixed in with his other food, which apparently acts as a toothbrush and toothpaste ("but it's SUPER tasty and your cats will gobble it up!!" says the perky vet tech). And give him antibiotic pills and rub this blue goo on his teeth everyday AND clean his chin and gum line with peroxide and then rub cream all over it. Yay. And then he got some shots which he needed anyway. But he took those like a champ! Good cat!
So a sizeable bill, new food, and antibiotical shit up the hoo-ha, and we're home. And now Prince is napping after such a horrible day. Paws crossed and all. So cute! Oh, and he's totally avoiding me and laying by Husband. Eh. I'll live. He'll jump into my lap later...just waiting for later.
June 7, 2010
Red Velvet Cookies
Red Velvet Cake is huge in our family. And I mean HUGE. But, for whatever reason we only have it once a year- on Dad's birthday because it's his favorite- or if someone specifically requests it, which never happens. Not sure why.
Anyway...we love when we have the chance to eat it because it's SO delicious (again, why do we not make this more often?). So during my adventures at the library looking for something interesting to read, I stumbled upon this mystery series. The titles of the books are all "insert some kind of food here MURDER." My eye lands on the bright orange one that's entitled "The Carrot Cake Murder." OOOOOOO! Death by carrot cake, SCARRRRRY! So I grab that one and a couple others and check out. Upon closer inspection of bright orange book I see that it has recipes in it. Yay! A dorky mystery novel AND recipes?! It must be fate! Now I'll go ahead and tell you that I own and entire series of books where a Siamese cat and his 50 some year old owner solve crimes. And I love that series. And I'm sad that the author no longer writes those books. *tear*. Moving on!
So it's no surprise that I might like this book. And I did. Not only because it has recipes, but because I'm a dork and it was an easy read. Good beach book. So. Not only was there a recipe for carrot cake (which I'll make one day here and post if it's good) but there was a recipe for Red Velvet Cookies! Aaaaaand NOW you see where I was going with this whole rant. So I made these cookies earlier (mostly to take to my Pampered Chef meeting tonight) and they turned out pretty well so I'm sharing the recipe with you! Aren't you excited?! I know you are. Calm down. They also call for cream cheese frosting (!!!!), which seems kinda weird to have frosting on a cookie, but I think they'd be missing something if they didn't have it. They weren't as chewy as I was hoping they'd be (maybe I cooked them a minute too long) so mine ended up kind of fluffy inside. But still good. Husband said they were an 8 out of 10 (awwww) but he'd eat anything sweet I gave him, so his opinion doesn't count.
So, to make a long story short (too late, they scream!) here's the recipe for Red Velvet Cookies & Cream Cheese Frosting:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees, rack in middle position
Unwrap squares of chocolate and place in microwave safe dish. Microwave for 90 seconds, then stir until smooth and set aside to cool.
Combine butter, brown sugar and sugar together in a bowl (or bowl of countertop mixer). Mix until smooth.
Add baking soda and salt and mix until combined.
Add the egg and mix until smooth. Add food coloring and mix.
Add melted chocolate and mix until thoroughly combined.
Add 1 cup (the first cup) of flour and mix until combined.
Add the sour cream. Mix.
Add the rest of the flour (that's the second cup) and mix until incorporated.
Mix in chocolate chips.
Use a teaspoon to spoon the dough onto the parchment paper lined cookie sheets (12 cookies to a standard sheet). If the dough is sticky, chill for 1/2 hour. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until the cookies rise and become firm. Mine took the full 11 min.
To cool, slide paper off cookie sheet onto wire rack and let cool. Then frost!
Cream Cheese Frosting
Enjoy! And I'd love to know how yours turned out! Did you like them? I've got more recipes from that book to post...Next up, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake. Yum!
Anyway...we love when we have the chance to eat it because it's SO delicious (again, why do we not make this more often?). So during my adventures at the library looking for something interesting to read, I stumbled upon this mystery series. The titles of the books are all "insert some kind of food here MURDER." My eye lands on the bright orange one that's entitled "The Carrot Cake Murder." OOOOOOO! Death by carrot cake, SCARRRRRY! So I grab that one and a couple others and check out. Upon closer inspection of bright orange book I see that it has recipes in it. Yay! A dorky mystery novel AND recipes?! It must be fate! Now I'll go ahead and tell you that I own and entire series of books where a Siamese cat and his 50 some year old owner solve crimes. And I love that series. And I'm sad that the author no longer writes those books. *tear*. Moving on!
So it's no surprise that I might like this book. And I did. Not only because it has recipes, but because I'm a dork and it was an easy read. Good beach book. So. Not only was there a recipe for carrot cake (which I'll make one day here and post if it's good) but there was a recipe for Red Velvet Cookies! Aaaaaand NOW you see where I was going with this whole rant. So I made these cookies earlier (mostly to take to my Pampered Chef meeting tonight) and they turned out pretty well so I'm sharing the recipe with you! Aren't you excited?! I know you are. Calm down. They also call for cream cheese frosting (!!!!), which seems kinda weird to have frosting on a cookie, but I think they'd be missing something if they didn't have it. They weren't as chewy as I was hoping they'd be (maybe I cooked them a minute too long) so mine ended up kind of fluffy inside. But still good. Husband said they were an 8 out of 10 (awwww) but he'd eat anything sweet I gave him, so his opinion doesn't count.
So, to make a long story short (too late, they scream!) here's the recipe for Red Velvet Cookies & Cream Cheese Frosting:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees, rack in middle position
- 2- 1 oz squares unsweetened baking chocolate
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter at room temp
- 2/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
- 1/3 cup white sugar
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 large egg
- 1 tbsp red food coloring
- 3/4 cup sour cream
- 2 cups flour, firmly packed
- 1 cup chocolate chips
Unwrap squares of chocolate and place in microwave safe dish. Microwave for 90 seconds, then stir until smooth and set aside to cool.
Combine butter, brown sugar and sugar together in a bowl (or bowl of countertop mixer). Mix until smooth.
Add baking soda and salt and mix until combined.
Add the egg and mix until smooth. Add food coloring and mix.
Add melted chocolate and mix until thoroughly combined.
Add 1 cup (the first cup) of flour and mix until combined.
Add the sour cream. Mix.
Add the rest of the flour (that's the second cup) and mix until incorporated.
Mix in chocolate chips.
Use a teaspoon to spoon the dough onto the parchment paper lined cookie sheets (12 cookies to a standard sheet). If the dough is sticky, chill for 1/2 hour. Bake for 9-11 minutes or until the cookies rise and become firm. Mine took the full 11 min.
To cool, slide paper off cookie sheet onto wire rack and let cool. Then frost!
Cream Cheese Frosting
- 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) softened butter
- 4 oz softened cream cheese
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 2 cups powdered sugar
Enjoy! And I'd love to know how yours turned out! Did you like them? I've got more recipes from that book to post...Next up, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake. Yum!
June 3, 2010
Welcome to the "Land of Bliss"
Well hello there! Thanks for visiting my new blog! I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and finally decided to just jump in feet first...Now at this point I don't exactly know what I'm writing about. I'm thinking it's mostly going to be a mish-mash of things at this point, but who knows, maybe one of these days it might make sense (?)
Most people start a blog when they're planning a wedding, you know, so people can check in on their progress and see how the wedding planning is coming along, what's stressing them out, and so on. WELL. I'm a year past that point! Missed that boat, didn't I? But in all honesty, I wasn't thinking about starting a blog then. I wouldn't have had time. Kudos to those who do! I'm feeling that this will be my outlet, to vent my frustrations of everyday life on the masses who bravely choose to read this; share recipes that I either already love, or are new to me and I want share with you; talk about my marriage, albeit, probably guarded because Husband doesn't know I'm doing this (yet...te he he he he). And we have 2 cats who never cease to amaze me in their adorableness, awkwardness and naughtiness. So I'll blog about them too. Something tells me they won't give a hoot what I write about them.
So... here we go!
Most people start a blog when they're planning a wedding, you know, so people can check in on their progress and see how the wedding planning is coming along, what's stressing them out, and so on. WELL. I'm a year past that point! Missed that boat, didn't I? But in all honesty, I wasn't thinking about starting a blog then. I wouldn't have had time. Kudos to those who do! I'm feeling that this will be my outlet, to vent my frustrations of everyday life on the masses who bravely choose to read this; share recipes that I either already love, or are new to me and I want share with you; talk about my marriage, albeit, probably guarded because Husband doesn't know I'm doing this (yet...te he he he he). And we have 2 cats who never cease to amaze me in their adorableness, awkwardness and naughtiness. So I'll blog about them too. Something tells me they won't give a hoot what I write about them.
So... here we go!
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